These two installments of the continuing series address lifting and carrying and additional balance techniques of reversing direction. These two segments build on prior installments so make sure to catch-up if you haven't yet. Now get out there and move!
MovNat From the Ground Up Series: Balancing and #bustabalance challenge
The new installment is up on the MovNat site. It covers balancing, which is a skill that is vital, yet is often neglected by many. Even a simple walk across a 2x4 on level ground might prove to be very challenging to some.
And speaking of balancing - MovNat Certified Trainers Abby Clark @feminine_badass and Stefano Tripney @captianstefano just finished hosting an Instagram challenge called #bustabalance. For the last 7 days they have been challenging us with a daily balance skill. These skills includedwalking forwards and backwards, changing direction, squatting and lunging, carrying a load and precision landings. I enjoyed adding these small tests to my daily movement practice.